Barred Owl
Barred Owl
Barred Owl
Another great sighting of one of the Barred Owl's currently residing in the SEW (South East Woods) at Beacon Hill Park. Lauren and I were walking through and it was perched up on a branch on the look out for anything that might be tasty.
My advice to anyone who encounters one would be to make sure you are not standing in the middle of a path. Always stay off to the side. Anything on the ground in front of you or behind you is fair game and these birds work hard for their meal (as do all birds).
I was standing at a respectful distance recently and made the mistake of setting my tripod up in the middle of the path. I learned the hard way that when this bird has its eyes on a target nothing will stand in its way. It dived over top of me and I ducked just in time for it to swoop behind me and pick up a mouse.
I had no idea the mouse was there until after when I looked back and the Owl was perched up on a branch swallowing its meal whole. Great experience, lesson learned!