Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Macro Test

Cat Grass

I took this shot while testing out the macro function on my Sigma Lens. 

The cat grass we are growing had a slight amount of water sitting on the top during a cool spring night. I brought the plant in and gave it a cool back drop. Thought it turned out pretty neat!

The Three Stooges

Three Juvenile Barred Owl's

"Barred Owls nest in tree cavities or old Hawk or Squirrel nests. The female will lay 2 - 4 eggs and sit on them for about a month while the male hunts. Once the eggs hatch the male will continue hunting, bringing food for the mother and her chicks. Young owls are ready to fly in about six weeks, but usually do not leave the parents for 6 months."

The information which is quoted up above was from the back of a water painting card we purchased of two baby barred owls painted by Sue Coleman. Entitled Evening Light. 

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

On The Hunt

Barred Owl

Barred Owl

Barred Owl

Another great sighting of one of the Barred Owl's currently residing in the SEW (South East Woods) at Beacon Hill Park. Lauren and I were walking through and it was perched up on a branch on the look out for anything that might be tasty.

 My advice to anyone who encounters one would be to make sure you are not standing in the middle of a path. Always stay off to the side. Anything on the ground in front of you or behind you is fair game and these birds work hard for their meal (as do all birds).

I was standing at a respectful distance recently and made the mistake of setting my tripod up in the middle of the path. I learned the hard way that when this bird has its eyes on a target nothing will stand in its way. It dived over top of me and I ducked just in time for it to swoop behind me and pick up a mouse.

I had no idea the mouse was there until after when I looked back and the Owl was perched up on a branch swallowing its meal whole. Great experience, lesson learned!

Monday, 12 May 2014

Western Tiger Swallowtail

Western Tiger Swallowtail

I was out walking through Beacon Hill Park when I spotted this one being chased by a Mourning Cloak. They are fairly common in this region. The yellow on them really compliments the black.

It's That Time Of Year

Barn Swallow

Barn Swallow

Barn Swallow
As most birds are doing at this time of year, these ones are building a nest. It can be hard to get a good shot of them because they do not like to land all that often. Luckily I had my camera while walking in to town to meet up with Lauren. These 2 had just begun to build their nest.

Cheeky Hummingbird





This is one of our friends who stops by on our balcony daily. The cheeky bugger sure likes the lavender and is a regular at the local watering hole (our hummingbird feeder).

The third photo is quite funny as you can see it is sticking its tongue out at the camera.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Early Camas

Early Camas

A staple throughout Victoria at this time of year. An edible plant with an interesting history. This photo was taken at Beacon Hill Park in one of the fields beside the SEW (South East Woods).

House Finch

House Finch

House Finch

I spotted this one from our balcony. They are quite common and they are very pleasant to watch.

Note the power line covered in poop. I thought at first it was a cable that was deteriorating. Nope, it's poop. lol.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Beacon Hill Park | Video Highlights

Pickin' Daisies


This is a macro test. I did some research on the web before experimenting with my new lens. It's amazing how much you can bring to life with this setting.

I certainly recommend investing in macro if your interested in taking some neat photo's. 

Mourning Cloak

Mourning Cloak

We saw this one at Government House. If you take a walk around the hiking trails out back of the house you are bound to come across quite a few of them this time of year. 



Lauren took this shot in her parents back yard. We could hear it calling for some time. It was a great opportunity to try out my new macro lens. Beauty shot. 

Monday, 5 May 2014

Barred Owl | Video Highlight

Beacon Hill Park

Creeping Along

Brown Creeper

Brown Creeper. We see quite a few of these from time to time. It can be hard to get a decent shot of one of them. Lauren spotted it and luckily it was quite low on the tree.

Cinco de Nesto





This nest should have been easier for us to spot based on its location. Luckily, the mother caught my eye which lead us to it. Its been an incredible couple of weeks getting to watch so many hummingbird babies grow up.

This is the fifth nest we have come to monitor which just happened to land on Cinco de Mayo. It made for a goofy headline.

A Tale Of Two Owls

Barred Owl
Barred Owls
Barred Owl
Barred Owl
Barred Owl
Barred Owl

Barred Owl
A truly magical day in the SEW (South East Woods). We bumped in to Cheryl and some other folks passing by and ended up being honoured by the presence of a pair of Barred Owl's.
We made off with some great photo's and video too.

Friday, 2 May 2014

The Day Owl

Barred Owl

Barred Owl
A Barred Owl made an appearance today as we walked through the SEW (South East Woods) at Beacon Hill Park during noon. We also checked in on a few baby hummingbird nests and even found a new one!
The Chickadees have made a nest and the Bush Tits have made a beautiful one as well.
I really enjoy how green the leaves are in the back drop of these photo's. Makes everything look so alive!

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Island View Beach Provincial Park

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle
We made a trip out this way because I have had some luck in the past spotting a baldy up in one of the tree's by the parking lot. When we arrived, I wasn't surprised to see this one in the exact same spot.
Must be a great spot to view the shores and the sea. Great vantage point.

The Feeder | Take 2

I took this photo on our balcony. The color on the head is what we admired most about it. It was a dark purplish pink.
We have a few of them that stop by daily. This one is definitely the most colorful up to date.